Create Vibrant Health That Lasts
At Journey to Wellness, we focus on gentle, safe, and effective wellness care so that you can create vibrant health that lasts. We not only help you get healthy, but teach you how to stay healthy.

Special Offer
Journey to Wellness
Welcome to Journey to Wellness. We love to educate the public, and we have TONS of content on social media - Journey to Wellness Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
Dr. Shannyn hosts the weekly live podcast, The Vibrant Health Show, exploring a new health topic in-depth each week. We also host free on-demand masterclasses full of content to educate on the most important issues related to health from a holistic perspective.
Using our integrative health coaching services we are able to help people all over the world, no need to be local. Simply schedule a phone consultation with one of our doctors. Our new client special allows you to book yours for only $49.
Our Approach to Your Health
We offer a natural, no drug/no surgery approach to inflammation, pain, blood sugar problems, hormone imbalance, autoimmune and thyroid symptoms. We also have a wellness plan for people who want to maximize their health and age gracefully.
If you are suffering from any symptoms, that’s a warning sign from your body that something is wrong. The red lights have illuminated on the dash. Do you just want to turn the lights off and drive on? Or do you want to fix the issue that turned the light on to begin with? Maybe you just don't feel well, you lack energy, you've gained weight, you have brain fog or mood issues. By identifying and addressing your root causes issues, we can help you get back to feeling like your true, vibrant self.
Functional Testing
Functional testing helps evaluate how different systems in your body are functioning in order to uncover the root causes of health problems - things like nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food sensitivities, gut health, inflammation, and more. We offer hundreds of different functional lab tests that are not normally ordered by your primary care physician.

What Sets Us Apart
It's important to carefully choose who you will partner with when it comes to your health.
If you’ve been down the mainstream healthcare route, you’ve probably been offered drugs and surgery. Or maybe you’ve been told, “Your labs are fine, you need to eat better and lose weight.” Or you’ve been made to feel like it’s all in your head.
Even other integrative or functional medicine doctors may use more natural solutions like herbs and supplements, but they do so just to cover up symptoms. They’ll run bloodwork, but not dig deeper to uncover the root causes of your struggles.
Here at Journey to Wellness, we offer a team of qualified practitioners to partner with you in a truly holistic approach.
Through proper functional testing we can gather specific information about your body that will allow us to find and address those root cause triggers to your symptoms. We help you regain vibrant health through a whole-person, whole-body approach built on these 4 Pillars:
- Individualized Supplement Protocols
- Personalized Nutrition Strategies
- Lifestyle Modifications
- Accountability and Support
If you are looking for a team of partners that will help guide you through these pillars so that you can regain your life and vibrant health, then we are the perfect fit.